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9 Significant Website, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) You Should Follow

Key performance indicators

As we all know that every bloggers or website designers wants to take full advantage of their blog or site performance, to increase their income revenue. But let us to tell you that this is not very much clear that which performance part is going to be reproduced, to tell you how your site is doing.

If this blog interest you to read it, it means you have either newly created a website or you want to create one, to keep track your website Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which is a really good thing to do for being successful in your business.

Because most of the people don’t care on the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) they just do their routine operations that is it. But let us to tell you that for being successful, leading by an example it is very important that you follow your site Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to understand how your website is doing. What is? It is health status. In this way we will assure that our website is doing good than before in the future and also our site is set for the success.

To go forward we suggest you first, to understand through your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that how your website is doing and how it is performing, because this is very important for all of those who are bloggers and those who have a website for their business.

In this blog, we will explore 9 useful website Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1. Number of Visitors

2. Session Duration

3. Average Page views per Session

4. Bounce Rate

5. Average Time on Page

6. Device Sources

7. Connection Time

8. Exit Pages

9. Interactions Per Visit

1. Number of Visitors

We all know that this is something obvious, when ever we finish creating a website or blog then we want to know that how much the website or the blog is attractive? Do our audiences, will find it interesting or boring. Because we already know that for a website the page design is very important. And that is why we want to know how the audiences is finding our website or blog.

To find out the answer then we should look for the number of the visitors, of course it won't tell you all but at some point you will understand if your website is interesting or boring for your audiences.

After finding your website or blog reports you found out that the number of visits is too low, then you should work on the traffic flow means you should work on how to attract more traffic, because if your number of the visits is to low then it means the other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are not important to be monitored until you don’t improve the number of the visits on your website or blog.

To improve the traffic flow for your website then you should create more attractive content for your audience or select the niche that your audiences prefer to read, this is how you will be ranked or found on the Google search engine between the other top famous websites or blogs. And also you can create backlinks, means links to your website from another famous website or blog, which has the same kind of audiences as you are trying to attract for your business.

We suggest you to visit our blog 101 Ways to Get Quality Backlinks in 2020 to improve your website or blog traffic flow.

You can also bring the traffic flow by using different social media platforms like Facebook, Google Ads, Instagram, and LinkedIn by posting continuously new posts to engage your audience.

To increase your website or blog traffic continuously then you should pay attention on something which is very important return visitors, It means you should encourage your audience to visit you back or get from them suggestions what you can improve for them and what has to be change according to their preferences in the future blogs.

We think that this is the best way to encourage your audiences so that they come back, visit your site and also a great way to improve your website according to your audience needs. Or if you can find some any other interesting ways also that is acceptable too but at least do something to encourage your audiences.

Number of visitors
Number of visitors

2. Session Duration

In the session duration you will get information that how much time a visitor spent on your website or blog, which is a very good thing to know about. The session duration is a great indicator of showing you that how much time your audiences are getting engaged with your website. And the more interaction your audiences get in your website it means the more signs of engagements will be in your session duration reports.

But let us to tell you some thing which is very important to let you know or maybe you already know about it. The session duration isn't a reliable source in some cases, for example if your website is more a reading website or a video website to watch then of course the interaction will be less and sometime your audience remain inactive for couple of minutes and according to Google Analytics this will be consider that your audience exit from the site.

Session Duration indicator is a very reliable sources for the site that are dealing more with products or services where their audiences through more clicks on your products to buy it.

But still it is a good indicator to be used; because of course we won't only consider the session duration data while we study the report for key performance indicators (KPIs). We will study all the other indicators too but it is possible that your session duration indicate less time of interaction in the report than the other indictors you should keep this in mind.

Session Duration
Session Duration

3. Average Page views per Session

The average page views per session can be helpful for measuring how gummy and engaging your website is. In general if we see, any content website that uses AdSense, advertising, or affiliate revenues options and wants to increase the number of pages view through their visitors. It means the more page views to your side, the more time spent visitors on your site and the more revenues you are going to get through your site.

To know how much your site is interesting for the visitors while they visit your website then you should look to the average page views per session. The average page view per session is calculated by dividing the number of page views by the total number of sessions.

For example, if your website has an average page views per session of 4. Then it means that every visitors that has visited your website the have click four times through your website and the average page views per session in your site is 4, which is not really bad but it depends what kind of website you have been working with.

Average Page views per Session
Average Page views per Session

But to improve your average page views per session then you should work on the services you are providing through your website. For example, if you have a product site then you should go for the products that people need more in their real life but if you have a blog website then you should produce the content that the people love to ready. And let us to tell you that sometimes a high average page views per session doesn't guaranteed that your website is going to do really great and you have nothing to do, remember there is always something to be done.

4. Bounce Rate

In a very simple word we can say that the percentage of audience to a particular website or blog who navigate away from the site by clicking on exit or back after viewing only the first page is called bounce rate. This it means that maybe they haven't like your page or maybe they are looking for something that your website is not offering.

A bounce rate in the range of 26% to 40% is superb. 41% to 55% is generally an average. 56% to 70% is very higher than average, anything over 70% is unacceptable for everything outside of blogs, news, events, etc.

As we all know having a high bounce rate can cause a very bad influence on your website SEO ranking and can make it appear less in search results, which after can cause for a big traffic drop. You can control this problem by digging deep in Google analytical reports and look for the reason is causing for the bounce rate. To fixed it as soon as possible.

If you don't find anything then you should work on the following points;

  • ­ Appearance of your website, bring some changes in the look and the content,

  • ­ Make sure the written text is very clear while reading it

  • ­ Use attractive and smart formatting

  • ­ Don't use too much color keep it simple (black and white), easy to ready

  • ­ Work on traffic flow to see if it is working to maintain your bounce rate.

5. Average Time on Page

The average time on page, is simply the average amount of time a visitor spend on a single page. To find out this exactly that how much time a visitor spends on a page or in your site is not that easy as it looks. Measuring this it will take you days, months or maybe years to calculate.

But let us to tell you that while Google Analytics system is able to measure this exactly for you, that how much time a visitor spend on your site during his/her visit. How? By measuring the time duration that your visitor has performed in your website during the visit, like every click or hits your visitor did on a specific page of your site or in general in your site.

The average duration for a session in the industry standard is about 2 or 3 minutes. Maybe you will think that what can be happen in two or three minutes? Such a short time, but according to some researches that has happened in the past, it shows that it is enough time for visitor to read the content of interest and experience your website.

It is very important that we always work on how to improve our average time that a visitor spends on a page in our site, because this can add and increase in our revenue and also it will help your website to be found easily on the Google search. And your website will be listed between the top ranked websites in the Google search which is a very good thing to see it one day.

6. Device Sources

The device sources is very important KPI for us, it helps us to know which devices mostly our site visitors uses to get to our site, do they use uses a desktop computer, iPad, tablets or a Smartphone.

Because, the valuable information from the device sources will help us to improve more and more our website according to our visitors needs and also we can well plan our site optimization for the devices that accesses more our site. We think that it will be also very helpful for the increase of the traffic flow for our website.

According to some researches in 2016, it has been seen an increasing number of people using tablets, iPad and mobile devices instead of desktop computers to go on the internet. On average, the total number of mobile, iPad and tablet users finally exceeds the number of desktop users worldwide and is still increasing, and now days it became a trend which is still continuing.

As well us it will be very helpful for us to make sure that the platforms accesses more our website are accurately well designed and are properly functionally so that our visitors don't get disappointed after visiting our website. They should feel comfortable while navigating through our site.

7. Connection Time

Connection time means the time between, when a visitor sent a request and when a connection get establish between the user browser and your main server is called the connection time.

Recognizing the challenges to connection time can be tricky because it depends on various aspects. Too much server traffic load, maybe it is from users sides, can cause the connection times to climb. Visitors in diverse geographic regions are to be expected to experience longer connection times. By just only monitoring your website routine activities metrics over time won't give you enough details to take in hand problems; you can try-out with load testing tools such as LoadStorm (cloud load testing tool) or JMeter.Apache to simulate heavy server practices. To make sure a better connection time, or you may also need to improve your infrastructure. Or on the other hand, you could delegate some assets onto a Content Delivery Network (CDN) or caching server

Connection time matters a lot; you have only 5 seconds to engage your site visitors before they leave your website, 46% of users will not return to your website your website has a poor performance. One in four persons will abandon your website if it takes longer than 4 seconds to load. 74% of users abandon after waiting 5 seconds on their mobiles if a site doesn't load. So that is why you should be very careful for your website connection time.

8. Exit Pages

The exit page is the last page, where a visitor takes their exit from your website. In easy words, it shows how many people exit from a particular page in your website. You can see in the report as a percentage(%) in Google Analytics and the KPI is also known as exit rate.

To see further what an exit page is imagine you have an eCommerce store where you sell clothes and shoes in your store. A visitor visits your website and chooses some clothes and a pair of shoes then he proceeds to check out, does the payment and exits from the page after receiving the thank you notes.

And it depends from the site to site because not every site is the same, if someone has a blog site, the visitor visits the site, didn't like the site and gets exit in the first page is also called an exit page.

Through the exit page percentage there is a possibility to find out in the Google Analytical reports where the visitors get exit the most, so that we can improve it in the future and to create the possibilities to engage the visitor for long time and also to help them get through the site pages.

We think exit page percentage in Google Analytical reports are an important KPI, we always loved to use, and we hope that you also love it after reading it. And suggest you to use it, if you haven't tried it yet with your website.

9. Interactions Per Visit

The interactions per visit, (KPI) give you the details of what your visitors are performing when they land on a page of your website or on your website. Do they go for a new page, start searching for what they need, read comments, leave comments or else? Every website owner wants a high number of interactions per visit with his visitors of website for sure, and they would also love to convert this interaction in to conversion.

Tracking your visitors behavior on your website is not a bad, you are only tracking them for knowing their way of conduct, what they like to do in your website and what they don’t like. And this way, some how we can plan great interesting staff for our website visitors to influence them into a conversion. And also we will be able to know what types of contents our visitors wants to read or prefers that our website should have it during their future visits.


We hope that you have enjoyed a lot reading this blog; we have designed this blog especially for those who are new in blogging, wants to start blogging or those who have already started but don't know how to make it successful. Because we have thought that this is very important to be shared with you all, and let you know that how to bring improvements in your site to make it successful by following the Key performance indicators (KPIs).

We all know that all the above Key performance indicators (KPIs) are not the perfect ones but at some level they can help you a lot to bring improvements in your site by watching your visitor's behaviors and following your audience while they visit your website.

In the End, We want you to login and leave your comment and feedback for us, because it encourages us to work harder for you in the future. Thank you!

Disclosure: Our website receives commission from our affiliate programs which we recommend for our readers and for those who are new, to help them in the processes, to achieve their dreams. And for the improvement of our site.
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