Nowadays we all know that having a WiFi connection is a very important thing in our daily lives. We need it for work purposes also for other personnel needs. Like to visit a social media platform you are connected to or to visit your bank accounts for the transfer of an amount from one account to another account. Most of the time you need WiFi the most while you are outside in a coffee shop, airport, or restaurant where they offer free WiFi access for your portable devices, which it can be any devices like cell phone, Ipad, and laptops where you can connect to the internet through.
While you are being connected to a public WiFi, this means that are giving the chance to a hacker in the area to get access to your personal information which could cause you great harm in the future by stealing your valuable information from your devices without your consent.
Portable devices like laptops, cell phones, and Ipads are used to access or store our personal and private most valuable information, photos, contacts, financial accounts, saved passwords, and many more. It is very important that you take precautions to keep them secure and manage your portable devices to protect your personal information from stealing them from hackers!
But don’t worry today we are here to help you with it. We will help you with some tips and techniques to keep secure your personal valuable information from hackers while you are being in public spaces and using their free WiFi.
1. Important That You Should Remember, while you are in public spaces like coffee shops, restaurants, and airports, don’t try to access or share your personal information or financial information with public WiFi. For example: While you on public WiFi don’t send or ask someone for your personal information and don’t get access to any of your bank accounts or any other account which you think is very important in your life to survive in this competitive world. Also do not try to pay with your visa or master cards with the public WiFi, because at that time there is a great chance of transmitting all your personal information to a hacker, who is active in the area to intercept the signal of your electronic payments. It is very important that you use a secure connection for those kinds of work, not the public WiFi.
Our cell phones or a portable device that we use in our daily lives has many options from where that someone can get connect very easily. When they are turned on instate of being off while you are in a public space. For Example, Your Bluetooth share options, wireless connection, geo Location, and application which you installed on your devices, and you allow them to point your position all the time in a state of when I only use the application. We suggest you turn off all those options which you don’t need when you are in the public spaces.
2. Download the Applications you need, very important that you only download the application that you need and don’t download the applications which you don’t need on the regular basis. Because the fewer applications you use the less risk you are going to have from a hacker or data thefts. And also you make sure to keep up to date with your portable devices because this will also help a lot to minimize the risk for you!
3. Keep Secure Your Portable Devices, by the use of strong passwords. Never give a chance to a stranger to use your portable devices until you are not able to see or sure what he/she is doing on your devices. Make sure nobody is around when you type your passwords on your portable devices, it is better if you activate the password encryption on your portable devices it is a very secure process we think in today’s technology world!
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4. Links, Attachments, and Text Messages, we suggest you make sure before you click on a link, attachment, or text message when you receive it. If you are not sure we suggest you do not click on it just delete it and this is the best way for you to skip the trap because lots of people have lost too much valuable information by clicking or using such links.
5. Lost or Stolen Portable device, we suggest you make sure your portable devices are traceable when you lost them somewhere or get stolen so that you can reach to it somehow if it is possible. And also keep activating the options that if you don’t find the device but at least you can erase your valuable information from it. And another important thing you should keep in mind is that you always keep the full charge of your portable devices when you go to public. Otherwise, you won’t be able to trace it if it is out of charge.
6. Use VPN to Protect Yourself from Hackers, Most public WiFi doesn’t use the authentication systems properly to identify it is end-users. This is of course a very good thing for us to not give more of our personal information, but let me tell you that it is more dangerous than that when the hackers also get access to the same wiFi as you without the authentication system too.
The best way to remain secure in public places from the hackers, from the theft of your valuable data that you have on our portable devices like cell phones, Ipads, and laptops, we suggest you always use your own portable devices internet by sharing it through (hotspot) to your other portable devices. You can also use VPN (Virtual Private Network) for a secure connection to the internet, in simple language; a VPN allows a web user to connect to a randomized, nameless server around the globe and get around IP tracking by an ISP.
7. How does a VPN circumvent Hacking, VPN is an advanced technology of today’s world and it is the only solution as we think to get around from the hackers. VPN redirect your internet traffic by disguising your IP address, make it none traceable and keep you away from hackers attack by encrypting the information you send across the internet. VPN also stops all the external signals interception from being able to read your encrypted information. Until now we can tell you that VPN is one of the best technologies to prevent yourself from data theft and online privacy.
VPN is not something that you could find free, always a cost for subscription but it depends where you live and which VPN you have access to.
In the end, we hope that you read the entire blog and get benefits from all the excellent information we are sharing with you in this blog, and we hope that appreciate what you are going to learn from this blog. Our main idea behind this blog is to help our audiences remain protected from dangerous hackers where ever they go around the world.
In the End, We want you to login and leave your comment and feedback for us, because it encourages us to work harder for you in the future. Thank you!
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